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Child Support

Child support and modification lawyers in Shelby County

At Pino Law Firm P.C. in Shelby County, Alabama, we possess both extensive experience in child support cases and a thorough knowledge of the law and child support guidelines. In addition, clients have relied on us when modifications to support orders are needed because of a change in circumstances.

Calculating child support

Alabama uniform child support guidelines calculate the income of both parties in a divorce, the number of children, health insurance, and day care expenses. These guidelines apply to couples with a combined income of less than $10,000 per month. Anything over that amount is outside of those guidelines. If one of the parties assumes a great deal of the marital debt or lives a great distance from the other, a deviation from the guidelines may be appropriate. Joint physical custody also can alter the initial child support agreement.

When money matters become a part of a divorce agreement, relationships can be strained between the two parties. Custody is sometimes used as a bargaining chip, putting the children right in the middle of a child support dispute.

Modifying child support

At Pino Law Firm P.C., we assist clients with modifying child support agreements as well. Circumstances that may warrant a modification include:

  • One or more of the children reaching the age of 19
  • College enrollment and expenses
  • A material change in income
  • One parent moves more than sixty miles away from their former residence

Children with special needs have also factored into child support modifications.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced child support and modification attorney, please contact us.